Corporate & Private Event Planning

Paying attention to the details!

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How it all began...

My adventures in to the world of event planning started their journey in 2016, when asked by ex-England (current Surrey cricketer) Gareth Batty to take on the role of secretary for his recently awarded testimonial.

Of course I said ‘YES!’

Thrown right in at the deep end I was tasked with the planning & coordinating of all the official testimonial events; from large corporate fundraisers at various London venues, benefit cricket matches at some beautiful Surrey locations, to small intimate dinners at the House of Commons. The Testimonial which took place throughout the duration of 2017 proved a very busy & exciting year for all concerned.

At the time, new to the world of event planning, I anticipated I had a huge challenge on my hands… a challenge I was 100% ready to tackle head on! I’m very happy to report, thanks to my never faulting attention to detail, I, as they say... took to it like a duck to water!

Fast forward 3 years (and many other events) I find myself nearing the conclusion of another exciting and subsequent testimonial (this year for Jade Dernbach: Current Surrey County Crickets T20 captain and former England player) and wondering to myself….

What’s next…?

Having taken great pleasure in my journey to date and receiving nothing but positive feedback I decided the time is right to up the game, so here I am, proud to launch my official event planning platform: Chart Events!

Please check out my social media links to see highlights of some of the recent events I have been working on.

For enquiries email:

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+44 7814690340

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Tally Road
Limpsfield Chart
United Kingdom

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